Quotations of or citations to the works of Duane Ruth-Heffelbower in other publicationsEgbusie, Philip Onyinye, and Modupe Oluremi Albert. 2022. “Restorative Justice and Its Implications on Transformative Peacebuilding Among Victims of the Boko Haram Terrorism in North-Eastern Nigeria”. International Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 7 (3):1-8. http://journals.rcmss.com/index.php/ijpcs/article/view/627. Cites Ruth-Heffelbower, D. (2002). "Local capacities for peace meets conflict resolution practice." Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 1(1), 85-97. Frank, S. A. K., Wenehen, A., & Idris, U. (2020). The land tenure and the land use among supiori in Papua. ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia, 5(1), 105 - 118. https://doi.org/10.31947/etnosia.v5i1.9924 cites Ruth-Heffelbower, D. (1998). Conflict and Peacemaking Across Cultures; Training for Trainers. Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies. CA: Fresno Pacific University. Copic, Sanja & Nikolic-Ristanovic, Vesna. (2018). Raising awareness of prisoners about restorative justice and victims: An example of the program implemented in the women’s prison in Serbia. Temida. 21. 385-410. 10.2298/TEM1803385C. cites Gaboury and Ruth-Heffelbower. "Innovations in Correctional Settings" chapter in The Promise of Restorative Justice: New Approaches for Criminal Justice and Beyond John Dussich and Jill Schellenberg, eds. Paper available in Serbian language. The Christian and Jury Duty cited in Sunwolf, J.D. God-Thinking: Every Juror's Moral Brain, Religious Beliefs, and Their Effects on a Trial Verdict Lexis/Nexis 2013. The author suggests asking prospective jurors if they have read the book. Berani Bersikap Ketika Hak Hukum Anda Dilanggar: Kumpulan Kasus & Solusi 2011 quotes from Pemberdayaan untuk Rekonsiliasi. Panduan Memilih dan Menggunakan Jasa Advokat by Ismantoro Dwi Yuwono, 2018 quotes from Pemberdayaan untuk Rekonsiliasi Ruth-Heffelbower, ed. Pemberdayaan untuk Rekonsiliasi, Edisi ke-2 direvisi dan diperluas (Empowering for Reconciliation, 2d edition revised and expanded, in the Indonesian language). Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Duta Wacana University Press, 2000. Cited by Bambang Sulistyanto in "The Pattern of Conflict of Benefitting from Cultural Heritages in Indonesia" Archaeology: Indonesian Perspective: R.P. Soejono's Festschrift Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.; International Center for Prehistoric and Austronesian Studies (Indonesia)(2006). TRANSFORMASI GMIM DAN REKONSILIASI: Suatu Kajian Teologi –Sosiologi Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan GMIM Selaku institusi." Ramli Sarimbangun Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon (2020) quotes at length from Pemberdayaan Untuk Rekonsiliasi. https://docplayer.info/205498455-Transformasi-gmim-dan-rekonsiliasi-suatu-kajian-teologi-sosiologi-terhadap-penyelenggaraan-pelayanan-gmim-selaku-institusi.html (accessed October 13, 2021). Noelle Higgins, Regulating the Use of Force in Wars of National Liberation: The Need for a New Regime : a study of the South Moluccas and Aceh Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010. Cites Ruth-Heffelbower, D. "Indonesia: Out of One, Many?" The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 26:2(Summer/Fall):223-38 Noakes-Duncan, Thomas "The Emergence of Restorative Justice in Ecclesial Practice" Journal of Moral Theology Vol. 5, No. 2 (2016) pp. 1-21. Cites VORP Organizing: a Foundation in the Church. Duane Ruth-Heffelbower, ‘Local Capacities for Peace Meets Conflict Resolution Practice’, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 1:1 (2002), pp. 85–97 cited in CATHERINE GOETZE and BERIT BLIESEMANN de GUEVARA (2014). Cosmopolitanism and the culture of peacebuilding. Review of International Studies, 40, pp 774 doi:10.1017/S026021051300051X. "Anarchist criminology: a new way to understand a set of proven practices" quoted in Howell, C. (2014). Anarchism: A Critical Analysis. Radical Criminology, 0(4), 155-164. Retrieved from http://journal.radicalcriminology.org/index.php/rc/article/view/70 Quoted and works cited several times in Camp, K. (2013) Restorative Justice in Transition (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice). Der Molukkenkonflikt von 1999 (2013) by Jozef Hehanussa quotes and cites "Local Capacities for Peace meets Conflict Resolution," "Indonesia: Restorative justice for healing a divided society," "Solving the problem of violence" and "Building the restorative faith community: lessons from Indonesia." Sermon at Yogyakarta International Congregation, Yogyakarta, Indonesia March 5, 2000 on 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:10 "No Stumbling Blocks to Reconciliation" quoted in chapter "Traditional justice" by John Braithwaite in Llewellyn, J. and Philpott, D. eds. (2014) Restorative Justice, Reconciliation, and Peacebuilding. Oxford University Press. pp. 225-226. (2007). "Learn about Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM)." Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA). Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http://www.voma.org/abtvomshtml cited in Dusich, JPJ, "Asistencia, recuperación y restauración de las víctimas" in Eguzkilore : cuaderno del Instituto Vasco de Criminología (26) : 53-62 (2012) http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9889 "Indonesia: Out of One, Many?" The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 26:2(Summer/Fall):223-38 cited in "Paradoxical outcomes of national schooling in the borderland of West Kalimantan, Indonesia: The case of the Iban" by M Eilenberg in Borneo Research Bulletin, 2005 - eilenberg.dk. The Pruned blog uses aerial photos of Laos from Peacemaking.com/laos for a story about bomb craters. The Naked Anabaptist by Stuart Murray opens with a quotation from The Anabaptists are Back. Anomie and Violence: Non-truth and reconciliation in Indonesian peacebuilding (2010) by John Braithwaite, Valerie Braithwaite, Michael Cookson and Leah Dunn cites "Indonesia: out of one, many?", The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 223-38 on p.49. The book published by Australian National University is available for download at http://epress.anu.edu.au/anomie_citation.html "A Rising Tide in Indonesia: Attempting to Create a Cohort Committed to Democracy Through Education" by Suzanne Soule, Center for Civic Education. A paper presented at the Midwestern Political Science Meeting, Chicago, April 14-17, 2004. Cited on page 1. "Unity Through Diversity? Data from a New Civic Education Program in Indonesia" by Suzanne Soule, Center for Civic Education. A paper presented at the International Conference on Civic Education Research, November 16-18, New Orleans. Quoting from "Indonesia: Out of One, Many?" Foreign Affairs V 26:2, Summer/Fall 2002, pp. 223-238 Justice, Primitive and Modern: Dispute Resolution in Anarchist and State Societies, Bob Black, retrieved from https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/bob-black-justice-primitive-and-modern July 20, 2021, cites "Anarchist Criminology: A New Way to Understand a Set of Proven Practices" (2011). Track two: constructive approaches to community and political conflict? - cited on Page 60 University of Cape Town. Centre for Intergroup Studies - 2000 Peace Reader by Morris E. Sider. Lists The Anabaptists are Back in the bibliography. Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common Ground (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) by Erin Daly (Author), Jeremy Sarkin (Author). Cited in chapter 3. Christian Clergy in American Politics by Sue E. S. Crawford (Editor), Laura R. Olson (Editor). Cited page 186. Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Conferencing, Mediation and Circles by Allison Morris (Editor), Gabrielle Maxwell (Editor). Quoted page 43. Religion and Prevention in Mental Health: Research, Vision, and Action (Prevention in Human Services) by Kenneth I. Pargament (Author), Kenneth I. Maton (Author), Robert E. Hess (Editor). Listed as a resource. The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited (Radical Traditions) by John Howard Yoder (Author), Michael G. Cartwright (Editor), Peter Ochs (Editor). Quoted page 262. The Divorce Mediation Answer Book by Carol A. Butler (Author), Dolores D. Walker (Author). Cited as a resource. Resolusi konflik interaktif berbasis komunitas korban: sebuah pendekatan By Pieter George Manoppo (2005) Notes Duane's work in Indonesia. Only the Sword of the Spirit by Jacob A. Loewen (Author), Wesley J. Prieb (Author). Cited page 152. The Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective by D Sullivan (Author). Cited page 323. McCold, P. (1999). Restorative justice practice: The state of the field 1999. Retrieved on March, 7, 2002. Cites Ruth-Heffelbower, D. 1996. "Toward a Christian Theology of Church and Society as it Relates to Restorative Justice." Presentation to 4th Annual Restorative Justice Conference, Fresno, CA, October 25, 1996. Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common Ground (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) (Hardcover) by Erin Daly (Author), Jeremy Sarkin (Author). Cited page 270. Restorative Justice & Responsive Regulation (Studies in Crime and Public Policy) by John Braithwaite. Work in Indonesia noted page 187. Mennonite Peacemaking: from quietism to activism by Leo Driedger, Donald B. Kraybill, Herald Press, 1994. Quotes and cites The Anabaptists are back. But Why Don't We Go to War? Finding Jesus' Path to Peace By Susan Mark Landis Herald Press 1993 cites The Anabaptists are Back. John Howard Yoder. What Would You Do? 1992 expanded edition cites The Anabaptists are Back. John Howard Yoder Nevertheless: The Varieties and Shortcomings of Religious Pacifism 1992 edition cites The Anabaptists are Back. Seeking Peace by Titus Peachey, Linda Gehman Peachey, Good Books 1991 cites The Anabaptists are Back. The Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations: The Struggle for the Soul of the Twenty-First Century (Culture and Religion in International Relations) by Scott M. Thomas. Cited in Chapter 7. The Handbook of Victim Offender Mediation: An Essential Guide to Practice and Research by Mark S. Umbreit. Work listed as a resource. Photo credit for a picture of the docks in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines on the B2B web site "Negosyopark Business Exchange". Quoted and photo on the Pacific Wrecks Database web site for the entry on Nabire, Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Lonely Planet South-East Asia on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet South-East Asia, 11th ed). Listed as contributor. Lonely Planet Bali, Ninth Edition by Kate Daly (Author), James Lyon (Author). Listed as contributor. Lonely Planet Indonesia, Seventh Edition. Listed as contributor. To Bless All Peoples: Serving with Abraham and Jesus By Gerald Schlabach (1991) Lists The Christian and Jury Duty in the bibliography. Return to home page. |